Friday, May 25, 2007

Amsterdam Trip

Some pictures from my trip to Amsterdam in October 2006. I went there with my friend and partner Manuel Perez (aka, pico) to give a speech at the Blender Conference, about our experience in the making of Plumiferos, the first 3d animation feature film made with open source source software.
You can see the speech at the end of the pictures.

The first thing I saw when I moved the courtains in the hotel room... I thought I was wrong...

Der Waag, where the conference took place. Awesome!

Some of the people at the confernce.

On our way to an Indian Restaurant, we cross a cool train all painted with an awesome ad from the Rembrandt museum.

Manuel, me and a nice mexican guy we met there, at the Indian Restaurant

Here, with Father Blender, Ton Roosendaal, at the Indian Restaurant.

Oh... The Excalibur Bar. I loved this place.

Candid picture of Manuel and a mexican guy we met there. I like this one because I wonder what is Manuel thinking...

The Cuba bar, right accross the street where the conference was taking place.

Working at Ton Rossendaals' cool appartment.

The Conference video:

1 comment:

patolan said...

Hola Ivan, mi nombre es Patricio Land y soy periodista de la revista Loaded (
Estoy trabajando en una nota sobre Plumiferos y muy especialmente sobre la creacion de films 3D con blender y me gustaria contactarte para intercambiar algunas opiniones de tu trabajo al respecto. Estuve en contacto con Malefico quien me ha sido de gran ayuda y me ha brindado mucha informacion, es por eso que me tomo el atrevimiento de contactarte por este medio. Si puedes contestarme te estare muy agradecido.
Desde ya mil gracias
Patricio Land